The safeguarding of all children and young people playing tennis and taking part in Club activities at Naas LTC is of paramount importance to the Club. Naas LTC is committed to maintaining the highest standards in following all guidance from Sport Ireland and Tennis Ireland to ensure the safe enjoyment of tennis at the Club (updated April 2023).
Please click here to view Naas LTC’s Child Safeguarding Statement.
This statement has been developed following the guidance of Tennis Ireland (Safeguarding Guidance for Children and Young People in Tennis) in accordance with the requirements of the Children First Act (2015).
Naas LTC has appointed two Club Children’s Safeguarding Officers:
Christian Andrée (086) 023 6344

Agnieszka O’Dowd (087) 931 4363

The Children’s Officers are available should any member have any questions or require any assistance in relation to child safeguarding in the Club.
All members of the Club should be aware of the importance of Child Safeguarding. The Club has Codes of Conduct for Senior Members, Junior Members, Parents, Tennis Coaches and Leaders. Upon joining the Club or on renewal of annual membership, all members agree to abide by the relevant Code of Conduct and the Naas LTC Child Safeguarding policies. These Codes and policies are available to read here on the Club website and all members and their parents/guardians should read and become familiar with them.
The Club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for children except for during formal Club coaching, matches and competitions. The Club does not accept responsibility for unsupervised junior members during recreational play where children arrive to play on their own. It is strongly recommended that if children are playing in the Club independently of the Club’s organised activities that a parent/guardian stays with them for the duration of the activity.
It is the responsibility of each parent / guardian to ensure that their child is adequately supervised at all other times that they are on the Club premises (including times when the child is receiving private coaching organised by the child’s parents).
Many thanks
Naas LTC Executive