Naas LTC has internal competitive ladders organised for Mens and Ladies Singles and Mens and Ladies Doubles categories.
Joining one or more ladder is open to, and encouraged for, all members and at all levels of ability.
The entry, rankings and rules are listed on Clubmanager and available to all members through their Clubmanager login details which are automatically designated on joining the club. If you have lost them reach out to: <>>
How to join the ladder:
- > > Login to Clubmanager
- > > Click on Ladder
- > > Use drop down menu to read ladder rules
- > > Use the Action button to add your name to the ladder
You may wish to contact the person by phone also. Please update your profile under the menu “My Details” to add your phone number to Clubmanager. Remember to tick the box “Phone Visible” if you wish other logged in club members to be able to contact you by phone.
To make a challenge:
The players open for you to challenge will be highlighted. Click on the “Challenge” button to propose a challenge
Challenges will be sent / received by email
Court booking must be made as agreed between the players
To play a match:
The format for the match is a Pro Set format.
First to 9 games, Long Deuce, Tiebreak (first to 7, and win by 2 points) played at eight all.
To record the score:
The person that proposed the Challenge must fill in the score after the match.
Scores are recorded for the Pro Set format as 9-8, 9-7, 9-6 etc.
It is preferable to play the challenge and walkovers should be reserved for when a player is unable to play.
An automatic walkover is given where a challenge is ignored or not taken up within two weeks.
Final Notes:
– Please remember to allow time for court sweeping if playing on clay
– Please remember to follow current COVID-19 guidelines